Christmas In Evergreen: Tidings Of Joy | 2019 Advent Day 2
It’s always interesting when I accidentally watch a movie that is part of a series. There are all of these weird references that I know I’m supposed to get…but I don’t. This is the case in Christmas In Evergreen: Tidings Of Joy. Apparently, this is the third movie in the series. Reading each movie’s “About” page on the Hallmark Channel website tells me that each movie basically revolves around the town of Evergreen, Vermont, and its residents. I’m not about to watch the other two movies so we’ll just have to believe the website.
In this iteration, a writer named Katie (Maggie Lawson) travels to Evergreen for vacation. During her train ride, she meets Ben (Paul Greene), who runs the town library. Soon, Katie learns that the entire town is searching for a rumored time capsule that they should be opening this year. And, even though Katie is on vacation, her mother keeps harassing her for a magazine cover story.
I know what you are thinking and I agree. There isn’t anything to this plot. Usually there is some sort of conflict that needs to be solved. The leading lady has to save a family business that is about to close. Or she’s trying to avoid falling in love with the leading man. Or she’s trying to become a better person. Or something! This plot is basically “Boring white lady comes to boring white town and has slight holiday fun, making her fall in love with boring white man.” Katie isn’t looking for love or to change her life or do anything beyond take a break from work. Ben isn’t cynical or trying to force his romantic tendencies on her. He’s just nice and boring.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t give me a whole lot to review. There are some side stories about some of the Evergreen residents falling in love but even those are boring. Heck, the whole time capsule thing, which should have been the main ‘conflict,’ was boring. I really don’t understand what the point of the movie was. Maybe the other two were really good and Hallmark is trying to milk the franchise.
Should you watch this? No. Should you turn it on in the background while you do chores? I mean you can but there is some terrible caroling in there that might interrupt you. Unless you are vacuuming. This is a good vacuum movie. Lots of pretty people with no substance. I hope this isn’t setting the stage for the rest of this year’s Hallmark movies.