Cassandra Morgan

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Christmas With A Crown | 2021 Christmas Movies

Once Upon A Time there was a movie. And in this movie was a prince. And the prince didn’t have a stupid made up accent. Just kidding, all royals in all Christmas movies have to sound awful.

Cassie (Lisa Durupt) has returned to her hometown in the hopes of attending the winter festival. However, no one wants to organize it. So Cassie takes it upon herself to plan the entire festival alone. Luckily, tourist Nicolas (Marcus Rosner) has offered to help her. What Cassie doesn’t know is that Nicolas is a prince!

How many different ways can I say a movie is terrible? The prince, the queen, and their two servants have terrible accents. I’m not sure who made this decision but royals don’t have to sound like they have a stick up their butt. Nicolas does drop the accent when he isn’t with the royal people so he sounds normal for most of the movie. But the poor queen (who is played by the amazing Teryl Rothery) has to keep her stupid accent the entire time. I hate it.

Oh, but don’t think it’s only the royals that suck. Durupt is also pretty terrible as Cassie. She overacts every single line. I don’t understand why the director didn’t tell her to tone it down. Ugh.

Stay very far away from Christmas With A Crown. There are plenty of royal-related Christmas movies out there that you don’t need to waste your time or your brain cells on this piece of crap.