Love Again (2023)

I’m watching Love Again and up pops Celine Dion. I’m not completely sure why she’s in the movie. Her part is a little unnecessary. But whatever. I guess Celine Dion can do whatever Celine Dion wants.
Two years after her boyfriend’s untimely death, Mira (Priyanka Chopra Jones) is still grieving. Her sister, Suzy (Sofia Barclay), has finally convinced her to move out of their parents’ house and back into their apartment. Mira tries to take comfort by texting her late boyfriend’s phone number, which now happens to be the number of Rob’s (Sam Heughan) new company phone. Rob, falling in love with the mysterious texter, meets up with Mira and the two begin a new relationship. But what happens when Mira finds out about the texts?
So…this is a really boring movie. Mira spends a majority of the movie depressed. Which I understand but, girl, it’s been TWO YEARS. At least in Good Grief, Marc’s husband had just died. They should have made the timeline a little closer to his death to make it more emotional.
On top of that, Rob isn’t a very interesting person. He does everything with no real personality. There’s never a high or low to his emotions. It’s one big flat line. Dull.
Honestly, unless you are a giant fan of the actors or Celine Dion, I would say skip this one. Maybe mark is as Uninterested so it doesn’t show up and you don’t even have to think about it.
Rating: D+