Back to school?

Every couple of months, I ponder going to back to school. I finished two years of college but never got my degree. My big problem is that I have no idea what to major in. Thanks to being an adult and working full time, I couldn't go to a traditional school. However, online schools like usually only offer business courses. BORING. I'd like to get a kinesiology degree (that would for fitness professionals) but looking at Walden University's online degree programs, it's not an option. I understand that it might be impossible to take some of those classes online. There's no reason an anatomy class can't be online. Not to mention all of the 'basic' courses one has to take to graduate college.

Though...if I'm going to start my own business, it might be good to have a boring business degree. I'm going to try to learn about Walden and see how long it would take me to finish their business program. Or at least see if it would be worthwhile. I might not even need a degree.

Has anyone out there attended Walden? What were your opinions on it?

I am having a terrible week

My week started out good so I had high expectations. Maybe that was the problem. We picked up my husband's new car on Monday and that was wonderful. On my way home from work yesterday, my car started acting up. It looks like the ignition needs to be replaced. Lovely. After that, I was locked out of the gym so I was forced to cancel my Zumba class. Awesome. Now I'm all blah and depressed. Of course, it's grey and dreary out, which makes it worse. Feel free to send me videos of cute kittens or something to cheer me up. I could use it today!

We are done yet?

My husband picked up his new car last night. It's been a little over a week since his accident. I hope, now that things are settled a bit, that life will get back to normal. We have been so busy trying to get things done that it seems nothing was done! Once we get through this week, I think we will be OK. Since my daughter has picture day this week, here is a video with tips on how to survive it:

I am so tired

This has been a very stressful week so far. Unfortunately, nothing seems to be going right for me. And it's only Wednesday! I almost feel like I need a patient monitor to keep an eye on my heart rate and whatnot. I really hope that this week starts to calm down so I can get my life back in order. Maybe I should try to just sleep the rest of it away.

Luck and tarot

Our luck has been off-and-on lately. While we didn't get hit by the flood, my husband did get into a car accident due to the roads being wet and slippery. He didn't get hurt but his car is totaled. Even though that means he has to buy a new car, the rental he has right now is nice. Bad things have been happening but they aren't terrible. (And I'd rather be car shopping than shopping for Dental Insurance.) I have about 6 more episodes of the current jdorama I am watching. Ideally, I'd like to have that finished by Monday but I'm not sure our schedule will allow it.

Also, I am selling tarot card readings: Please take advantage of the sale!

The flood is over?

The rains have finally ended. My daughter's school was closed on Friday because the buses couldn't get to many of the bus stops in the area. I'm very glad that there was very little rain this weekend and that the water is receding. We can now drive around town with almost no problems. (The only problem left is mud on the road.) It's nice when life is back to normal.

More storm damage

The hurricane has done more damage in the area than I thought. While we still haven't had any problems, there are still about 300 people in my little town without power. When I went to lunch yesterday, the grocery store had all of the frozen food freezers blocked off and all of the perishable items were gone. McDonald's seemed to be the only eatery unaffected. I'm hoping to finish Boss 2 today. If getting distracted by baby clothes on sale doesn't get in my way first. I don't even have anyone to buy baby clothes for! Man, I am pathetic.

Hurricane Irene

We have survived the hurricane that hit the East Coast this last weekend. Luckily, we did not lose power nor did we sustain any damage. However, I was not able to finish the last episode of Boss 2. I should have it finished in the next few days. (It's a whopping 90 minutes long!) Thank you for your patience.


You might have heard that there was an earthquake on the east coast yesterday. I, unfortunately, did not feel it. I happened to be working in our filing room and I guess the filing cabinets were too heavy to shake. Only my co-workers freaking out gave me any indication that something was happening. I've decided to just be happy that the filing cabinets did not fall on me. That would have been awful.