I'm sure many of you have heard about the huge snowstorm that passed through the eastern United States this past weekend. Here in Berks County, Pennsylvania, we had 30 inches of snow fall within 24 hours on Saturday. Sadly, you will not hear any official record stating such. But, if you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen the snow covering my husband's Kia Soul. Sadly, my Honda Fit was a little too far away from my porch to get a good picture and I wasn't going any farther than my front door! (Hint: That is my blue car in front of his silver car.)
Approximately 11:00AM on Saturday, January 23, 2016
As you can imagine, most things were closed on Monday. All of the schools in the Philadelphia area were closed, the post office was not delivering mail, and even the grocery stores were mostly closed. The plow trucks were having a difficult time keeping up with the amount of snow that fell, making the roads mostly impassable.
Approximately 2:40PM on Saturday, January 23, 2016
Despite the weatherpeople's insistence that we did not have a blizzard nor did we have the largest snowfall in the area, you can see from these pictures that there was a lot of snow. Notice that the back of my Fit is no longer visible above, though you can still see a little bit of the Soul's doors! Schools were closed, once again, on Tuesday due to dangerous roads. It wasn't until today, Wednesday, that school was back in session, albeit a 2-hour delay. I worked from home the entire time, only venturing out of my house today to come into the office.
My backyard at 10:54AM on Sunday, January 24, 2016
Of course, digging out from under all that snow has been a chore. My car wasn't freed from its snowy tomb until late yesterday afternoon. Thankfully, the temperatures have been rising slightly, letting the snow melt some. But that also means that liquid refreezes on the road overnight, making the morning commute an icy mess.
At least we are used to snow, here in Pennsylvania. It would just be nice if it wasn't THAT much snow. I'm all ready for you, summer!