My daughter and I are pretty big fans of Jordan Fisher. We’ve followed him since his Disney Channel days. When I heard that he was starring in a Hallmark Christmas movie this year, I was a little worried but hopeful that it would be good. Hallmark better not let me down.
Alice (Katie Findlay) and Max (Fisher) attended the same college in the theater program. While they end up going their separate ways after graduation, they somehow keep coming together every Christmas. As their relationship blossoms, the pair needs to decide whether they will prioritize their romance or focus on their professional dreams.
While The 5-Year Christmas Party started off rather slow, it picked up the pace a little when Alice and Max finally realized that they liked each other. Thankfully, the sheer charisma of Fisher and the adorable awkwardness of Findlay make the movie well worth watching. I’m honestly not sure it would have worked with anyone else as the leads.
As much as I want to tell you all about the wonderfulness of this movie, you really should just watch it. It’s difficult to articulate how cute they are together. This may just be my favorite movie for the season.
Rating: The only down side is that Fisher doesn’t sing…