Celebrity Rehab PSAs

On Saturday, I talked about Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. During the commercial breaks, there are public service announcements for drug rehab. On one hand, these are great motivators to get families to notice someone's addiction. However, I firmly believe that you cannot force someone into rehab. It just won't stick. That's the "other hand" of these PSAs. Dr. Drew insists that addicts are silently screaming for help and it is "our" duty to get these people into rehab. From my experience, that doesn't really work. You can try to confront the addict but you can't force them to rehab. If they aren't willing to take the necessary steps to get themselves clean, there is nothing an outsider can do to make them want that or to make them follow through with the treatment. Sorry, Dr. Drew, this is one subject we'll just have to disagree on.
