Artist: Donald Duck and Daisy Duck
Album: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse soundtrack
Release date: 10/3/06
Lyrics: (Spoken parts are bold) Donald: Hiya, Daisy! Daisy: Hello there, Donald. Donald: Would you like to go for a bicycle ride? Daisy: A bicycle ride? Why sure. Donald: Daisy, Daisy Give me your answer do (Daisy: What is it?) I'm half crazy All for the love of you (Daisy: Oh, Donald) It won't be a stylish marriage (Daisy: It won't?) I can't afford a carriage (Daisy: But you promised) But you'll look sweet Upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two Daisy: Well, a bicycle built for two is better than a bicycle built for one anyway Donald: You said it! Daisy: Now I have a question for you Donald Donald: OK Daisy: Donald, Donald Give me your answer do (Donald: OK) I'm half crazy All for the love of you (Donald: Awww) It won't be a stylish marriage (Donald: What?!) You can't afford a carriage (Donald quacks incoherently) But you'll look sweet Upon the seat Of a bicycle for two
Together: Yes you'll look sweet Upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two
Daisy: Oh, Donald
About the song: For those of you without kids, here's the rundown on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Daisy and Pluto all hang out at the technologically advanced Clubhouse. Each episode has the gang solving problems with the help of "Mouseketools" - four different objects that will solve one of four puzzles in the episode. The opening and ending theme songs are sung by They Might Be Giants. The rest of the soundtrack is filled with songs by various Disney characters.
Bicycle Built For Two is a good song for young children since it has simple lyrics. However, that makes it fairly annoying for parents since it just repeats the chorus of the song. That usually means that parents will hear the kids singing it over and over and over. There are a couple of good songs on the soundtrack but this is not one of them.