Title: Gokusen 3
Broadcast date: 4/19/08 - 6/08
Number of episodes: 11
Genre: comedy
Cast: Nakama Yukie, Namase Katsuhisa, Takaki Yuya, Miura Haruma, Ishiguro Hideo, Nakama Junta, Kiriyama Akito, Waki Tomohiro
Plot: Once again, Yankumi (Nakama Yukie) is called upon to bring the rowdy boys of class 3D of another high school to heel.
What is good: Besides Nakama Yukie, the students seem to be better actors this time around.
What is bad: The ending is a bit abrupt.
Letter rating: C+
Overall: While the plot is still basically the same, there are a few changes. For one, the writers have added a sort-of overall villain to the fold. He's not in every episode but he does appear more than once. Also, despite the fact that the cast is still littered with boy band members, they aren't particularly bad actors. Nakama Yukie shines, as always, and it's really nice to see the Kuma character from the first series move forward in life instead of being stagnant. This season was much better than season 2.