Title: RH Plus
Broadcast dates: 1/2/08 - 3/26/08
Number of episodes: 13
Genre: Supernatural drama
Cast: Miura Yuu, Tochihara Rakuto, Ojima Naoya, Takano Hassei
Plot: Four vampires, living together as a family, secretly help the police with unsolved cases.
What is good: The change in eye color when they "vamp out" is pretty awesome.
What is bad: The plot gets annoying after the first few episodes.
Letter rating: C-
Overall: I really wanted to like this drama. After all, vampires are awesome. Unfortunately,
RH Plus is very heavy on the 'drama' aspect and not in a good way. Makoto (Yuu) was abandoned as a child, which the writing wants to beat you with every single episode. We get it. He had a crappy childhood. It didn't really need 12 episodes to attempt to overcome it. On top of that, the acting is cheesy at best. As much as I wanted it to get better, it just didn't.