Artist: Stone Temple Pilots
Members: Scott Weiland (vocals), Robert DeLeo (bass, vocals), Dean DeLeo (guitar), Eric Kretz (drums)
Album: Core
Release date: 9/29/92
Video link: Via YouTube
Lyrics: Forward yesterday Makes me wanna stay What they said was real Makes me wanna steal Livin' under house Guess I'm livin', I'm a mouse All's I gots is time Got no meaning, just a rhyme
Take time with a wounded hand 'Cause it likes to heal Take time with a wounded hand Guess I like to steal
I'm half the man I used to be This feeling as the dawn It turns to gray I'm half the man I used to be This feeling as the dawn It turns to gray
Feelin' uninspired Think I'll start a fire Everybody run Bobby's got a gun Think you're kinda neat Then she tells me I'm a creep Friends don't mean a thing Guess I'll leave it up to me About the song: I wonder how many people committed suicide while thing song was playing. Not only is it really slow and depressing but the lyrics even say the singer is a loser. I'm not really sure how this became a popular song. It must have been riding the coattails of Plush, another song from the album.