Title: Zettai Kareshi
Also Known As: Absolute Boyfriend
Broadcast date: 3/24/09
Genre: Romantic comedy
Cast: Hayami Mokomichi, Mizushima Hiro, Aibu Saki
Plot: Shortly after Riiko (Aibu) and Soshi (Mizushima) get called back from Paris to open a new store, Riiko finds that Night has been resurrected by a new Kronos Heaven employee. Will Night destroy the couple's engagement?
What is good: It's nice seeing these characters come to life again.
What is bad: The story was completely unnecessary.
Letter rating: B-
Overall: When the series ended, I felt like I needed more closure to the story. This isn't what the audience needed. While it felt like Night's character had more to him, he was used throughout the entire special. It was wonderful seeing the characters on screen and interacting again. However, it's akin to taking that last extra bite of cake. Yeah, it was tasty but now you feel nauseous.