Music review: W - Daikishimenaide ~Nikki Tsuki~
Artist: W
Members: Kago Ai, Nozomi Tsuji
Album: 2nd W
Release date: 3/2/05
English translation: Don't hold me Don't hold me What kind of facial expression should I make?
After we kiss After we kiss I can't look at your face 'Cause... I just can't look...
We were born far away from each other And then we met
There's a lot we don't know about each other, but We went shopping and got asked if we were siblings For some reason, I felt happy
I won't show my tears I don't want to show them I don't want to tell you what kind of tears they are
Everything, I mean everything! I like you This moment, just like this I want it to freeze
The environments we were born into Even our accents are different But still we met
We've still got a long fight with the unknown There's a lot of restaurants nearby, so let's go That station is famous for its ramen
April 9th, a clear Saturday. I wonder how many times we've gone on a date now. It was really fun. But really, I know what number date it is...
I know what number date it is, but... But, I can't count 'em... the second kiss I like you. I like you I like you. I like you. Ahhhhhhh!!! I like you.
The environments we were born into Even our accents are different But still we met
There's a lot we don't know about each other, but We went shopping and got asked if we were siblings For some reason, I felt happy
About the song: Another W song about liking a boy. Surprised? Like the rest of their songs, this is pretty cute but it's not as powerful as some of their other ballads. The way the lyrics are divided between them is interesting. They even share a 'deatta.' One sings de, the other sings at and the first sings ta. It makes the song a little bit different but it's nothing special. All in all, a forgettable song.
Music review: Mini Moni - Minimoni. Kazoe Uta ~Date version~
Artist: Mini MoniMembers: Mika Todd (family name last), Kago Ai, Nozomi Tsuji, Takahashi Ai Album: mini-moni. SONGS 2 Release date: 2/11/04 Video link: On YouTube
English translation: "Let's go! One, two, three, go!"
Going out with that special person Hey! Going out with that special person! Lalala How fun! Lalala, how fun! Hey! It's fun going on a date
One, two, three, four Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen Twenty
"Did they arrive?" "Not yet!" "All right! Then one more time" "Okay!"
Going out with that special person Hey! Going out with that special person! Lalala How fun! Lalala, how fun! Hey! It's fun going on a date
Coming, not coming, coming Not coming, coming, not coming, coming Not coming, coming, coming, not coming Coming, not coming, not coming, not coming Coming, they're finally here!
"Did they arrive?" "Yup!"
How fun! Lalala, how fun! Hey! Going out with that special person! Lalala How fun! Lalala, how fun! Hey! It's fun going on a date
That person I love is pretty! Hey! That person I love is pretty! Lalala How pretty! Lalala, how pretty! Hey! You're pretty when you're in love!
Love you, love you, love you, really love you Love you, love you, love you Love-love you, love you~ really love you Love you, love you~ really love you, love you I LOVE YOU
"Do we love 'em lots now?" "Not yet!" "All right! Then one more time" "Okay!"
That person I love is pretty! Hey! That person I love is pretty! Lalala How pretty! Lalala, how pretty! Hey! You're pretty when you're in love!
Love you, love you, love you, really love you Love you, love you, love you Love-love you, love you~ really love you Love you, love you~ really love you, love you I LOVE YOU
"Do we love 'em lots now?" "All clean!"
How fun! Lalala, how fun! Hey! Going out with that special person! Lalala How fun! Lalala, how fun! Hey! It's fun going on a date About the song: If you get nothing else out of Mini Moni, you get a little bit of education and a lot of fun. Right there in the beginning of the song are numbers in Japanese! Even you can count to twenty! Unfortunately, like many other Mini Moni songs, it gets old really fast. Most of their songs are aimed at children so there is a lot of repetition involved. The same happens here. I'm ready to turn it off by the third 'suki' if I manage to make it that far. It's cute but a little TOO cute.
Music review: Mini Moni - Rock n Roll Kenchoushozaichi
Artist: Mini Moni
Members: Mika Todd (family name last), Kago Ai, Nozomi Tsuji, Takahashi Ai
Album: Minimoni Songs 2
Release date: 2/11/04 (single was released 4/9/03)
Video link: on Veoh
Lyrics: (Sorry, no translation) "Baby ROKKUNROORU kenchoushozaichi MINIMONI. oboechaina SHIRII~ZU! saa minasan harikitte ikimasu yo~!"
hokkaidou wa sapporo otsugi wa ( sapporo RAAMEN ) aomori akita ni iwate no morioka ( wankosoba wankosoba ) fukushima yamagata miyagi wa sendai ( sasakama sasakama )
ibaraki no mito ni tochigi wa utsunomiya ( shimotsukare shimotsukare) saitama saitama yamanashi wa koufu ( houtou houtou ) gunma no maebashi kanagawa no yokohama ( shuumai shuumai )
chiba ni toukyou nagano ni shizuoka niigata touyama ishikawa no kanazawa aichi wa nagoya gifu to fukui
"tokoro de anta kenchoushozaichi tte nanden non?" "AHO ya na anta,, kenchou no shozaichi ya ga na" "he~"
mie wa tsu ni shiga wa ootsu ( funazushi funazushi ) wakayama kyoto ni nara ni oosaka ( takoyaki takoyaki ) hyougo wa kobe de okayama hiroshima ( nama GAKI nama GAKI )
shimane no matsue ni tottori yamaguchi ( fugusashi fugusashi ) kagawa no takamatsu ehime no matsuyama ( iyokan iyokan ) kagoshima kouchi ni fukuoka ooita ( shiroshita karei )
saga ni nagasaki kumamoto miyazaki soshite kagoshima okinawa no naha ROKKUNROORU kenchoushozaichi About the song: Ah. Mini Moni! Mini Moni was a subgroup of Morning Musume. The original idea for the group was that all the members had to be under 4'11" tall. (Hence the mini part.) However, Takahashi Ai was slightly taller than that when she joined the group after Yaguchi Mari's departure. Mini Moni was mostly aimed at younger children in the beginning, though the group took on a more mature sound after Mari left.
While I don't have a translation for this song, I can tell you that it is about the capitals of the Japanese prefectures. Mostly it's about the food each area is famous for. The video plays along showing the girls in a classroom setting studying for an exam.
You'll notice in the video that poor Mika is singled out as different from the rest of the group. She is the only American-born member of the group. As such, she is always dressed differently from the other girls and, for some strange reason, she is always given random English phrases to say. I always felt bad for her since the Japanese girls get to wear cute little outfits and Mika is always in the ugliest costumes.
Anyway, the song is cute and educational. What more could you ask for?
Music review: W - Robokiss
Artist: W
Members: Ai Kago (Aibon), Nozomi Tsuji (Nono)
Album: 2nd W
Release date: 3/2/05
Video link: on Veoh
English translation: That amazing girl is a go girl That risky guy is a yes man Is everyone ordinary? No, no!
Where are you throwing it?! No control I got asked out on a date, love control A hole is opening, a lotus root takes seed Etcetera, etcetera
Of course I know about love, at the very least
I love you, I Iove you, give me a kiss I love you, I love you, kiss me infinitely I love you, I love you, I know about kisses I love you, I love you, even if I'm a robot
Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Robo robo
Now I'm friends with that girl Then it's fade-out with my boyfriend Why consecutive holidays after this! No, no!
With quick calculations, a ferocious attack! Consenting to your faults in a headlock Accept the whereabouts of love with thanks!
I'm not always gonna be a kid
I love you, I Iove you, give me a kiss I love you, I Iove you, take caution in your kiss I love you, I Iove you, no one can I love you, I Iove you, kiss by themselves
I love you, I Iove you, give me a kiss I love you, I Iove you, take caution in your kiss I love you, I Iove you, no one can I love you, I Iove you, kiss by themselves
Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Robo robo Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Shabala lan lan lan lan la-la Robo robo About the song: Robokiss is just a silly song. It's about a girl in love with a robot. Both Aibon and Nono are so cute that it's difficult to not like their songs, even though a majority of them are covers of older songs. The "Suki suki ssu kissu" part is the best since it basically just sounds like like suki suki suki (pronounced sue-key). Sadly, W is no more. Last year, Aibon was caught smoking underage and was suspended. This year, just as Aibon was coming back into the fold, she was caught not only smoking again but dating a 37-year old man. (For the record, Aibon is 19.) As a result, Up Front Agency cancelled Aibon's contract. Nono was going to be in a new group but shortly after the group was announced, Nono announced her pregnancy and upcoming marriage. She has decided to take a hiatus from show business. There was a third W album that was supposed to have been released but it was cancelled due to Aibon's controversy.