Jmovie review: Kagen no Tsuki

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Artist: L`arc~en~Ciel
Members: Hyde (vocals), Tetsu (bass), Ken (guitar), Sakura (drums)
Album: Tierra
Release date: 7/14/94
Video link: On YouTube
English translation: Carried on a wind from far away, no matter how many times I try to say these words, they never reach you. Once again, my eyes stare somewhere out the window.
This foreboding hasn't changed, I still feel it. Those days are getting blurry...
Seeing through blank eyes like a caged bird, the light of the afternoon sun is just like the light that shines on you from outside.
This foreboding hasn't changed, I still feel it. Those days are becoming blurry...
I feel the changing season will see my promise broken. Even if I reach out with my hands, my heart will stay distant.
(Why do you stare at the sky with your blurry eyes?)
I feel the changing season will see my promise broken. Even if I reach out with my hands, my heart will stay distant.
In the changing season, the one precious to me looked back toward me with those eyes, sighing softly.
(Your blurry eyes) ...your blurry eyes (Your blurry eyes) ...My heart (Your blurry eyes) ...will stay (Your blurry eyes) ...distant. About the song: The best part of this song is the music video. It has a very 80s Madonna feeling to it. Hyde is wearing a long flowing white dress with a leather jacket and gloves. Halfway through the video, they go to an amusement park where a carousel is the main attraction. It would be an awesome video...if it had been filmed in 1985 instead of 1994.
The song itself is a decent pop song. It's got a catchy guitar line and it's fun to sing along with Hyde. While it may not be the "cool" song at the party, it's definitely the "fun" one.
Artist: L'arc~en~Ciel
Members: Hyde (vocals, guitar), Tetsu (background vocals, bass), Ken (guitar), Yukihiro (drums)
Album: Ray
Release date: 7/1/99
Video link: Via YouTube
English translation: Separately scattered about flower petals, drops of pink around the waning moon reflecting an eternal love.
Eyes...left open a body that's going to rot splendidly lost, only this consciousness left without waiting for the spring.
my beloved one, you just gently turn cold, in these arms as you are broken listen. The abyss of dreams is calling like always.
on the night that blooms out of season the melody of a restless soul the flower floating in the darkness my only parting gift.
(English: Gravity is on the increase as time goes by my body returns to earth there is sky up in the air my body is in your sky and my life is in your cosmos we never come close to each other be here we exist as it is.....) it comes to an end at last the pain of being reborn in the earthen ground I swallow the promise I'm bound to a dead world
separately scattered about flower petals drops of pink around the waning moon reflecting an eternal love
This evening...oh the ecstasy of a dream... At last my eyes closed
On the night that blooms out of season the melody of a restless soul the flower floating in the darkness my only parting gift About the song: This is, by far, my favorite L'arc song. While the lyrics are fairly morbid, the song as a whole is still absolutely beautiful. In my opinion, the best way to listen to it is to watch the music video. The etherealness of the song mixes with the symbolism of the graphics in such an amazing way. I have a difficult time listening to the song without seeing Hyde in his "vampire" costume in my mind.
Artist: Hyde
Album: roentgen.ENGLISH
Release date: 10/14/04
Video link: via YouTube (this is not the original version of the song, this is a remixed version that was re-relased as the B-side of the Season's Call single)
Lyrics: Unexpected Promises woven
Unexpected Through space and time the path unwinds Leading me straight to you Unexpected Reaching across a moonlit square We found each other's hands Unexpected Under the blessing of the stars The life poured into us To meet is so unexpected About the song: The original version of Unexpected is so laid-back that unless you are trying to fall asleep, it is very difficult to listen to. However the remixed version is very good. Despite the difficulty of understanding Hyde's English, the fullness of the instruments pushes the song from a mellow, laid-back tune to a decent rock ballad. The only real downfall of either version is the approximately two minutes of the song spent singing "Unexpected, promises woven." Since that compromises about half of the entire song, it makes it difficult to not push the fast forward or next song button on your player.
I always seem to run out of things to say on Friday. So I have decided to start a new weekly feature. Favorite Friday. Every Friday I will post a video that I really like. It may be a music video; it may be a performance by an awesome band/artist; it may be something silly. Whatever I happen to come across that I like a lot. The first video I would like to post is a performance of Perfect Blue by L'arc~en~Ciel at their Grand Cross Conclusion concert in 1999. I absolutely love this song and I think is an awesome performance:
Artist:L'arc~en~CielMembers: Hyde (vocals, guitar), Tetsu (background vocals, bass), Ken (guitar), Yukihiro (drums) Album: Ark Release date: 7/1/99 Video link: Via YouTube
English translation: A silver metallic heart that's gotten hot I'll light the fuse A mysterious feeling of a high Let's kick up a cloud of sand
A reckless heartbeat that stirs a scream Before my eyes is rain drops like missiles
Keeping adrenaline forever flowing I feel ready to overheat Even if I explode and become ashes I'll probably still be just like this, laughing
Outrunning the town, until the ends of the earth Let's let if fly and die together, so give me your hand!
To reach the horizon Let's cut loose until we reach our limit Woh! Clash! Into the rolling morning Flash! I'm in the coolest driver's high Towards the best finale! Yeah!
As far as I can count Disappearing, a pitch black morning will come Those clothes that you're fond of After you change into them, let's get going!
Let's raise our voices impossibly high And break through the atmosphere Woh! Clash! Into the rolling morning Flash! I'm in the coolest driver's high With steel wings
Let's keep racing, until time limit expires The speed is insane Woh! Clash! Into the rolling morning Flash! I'm in the coolest driver's high Let's meet again in the next world, Yeah! About the song: When you think of great songs about cars, you generally think about songs from the 60s by the Beach Boys or Jan and Dean. L'arc~en~Ciel's Driver's High starts out with a revving engine and it only gets better. The only bad thing about this song is the difficulty you may have staying under the speed limit if you happen to be driving when it comes on.
Artist: L'arc~en~Ciel
Members: Hyde (vocals, guitar), Tetsu (background vocals, bass), Ken (guitar), Yukihiro (drums)
Album: True
Release date: 12/12/96
Video link: On Veoh
English translation: Yes, you'd noticed that in the afternoon sun I was still sleeping The scenario that won't go as I plan Just causes me confusion
Because I can't meet you today I'll just stay in bed and close my eyes Until the morning after the next I'll be fascinated by the you I see in my dreams
Always shaken up by your smiling face I want to blossom strongly, like the sun Because my heart hurts, hurts so bad it's about to break If it's an unreachable dream, at least let me wither!
I can't smile any longer Even in my dreams, you tell me the same thing Beyond my window I wonder what the real you is doing now
In that far away day called yesterday Holding an empty bird cage As I walked on I was probably searching for you
Even though I'm tempted by the vivid wind I'm still chasing you in a daze The sky, even now a blue that looks ready to rain down Embraces me as I gaze up at it
Carrying countless seeds to that hill I'll lay down a bed of beautiful flowers Hurry and find me, find me 'cause I'll be right here I'll wait to be awakened by you
Always shaken up by your smiling face I want to blossom strongly, like the sun Because my heart hurts, hurts so bad it's about to break If it's an unreachable dream, at least let me wither! About the song: Flower is a sweet little song about waiting for the one you love to return to you. I like the harmonica solos peppered throughout the song. While L'arc is usually a rock band, they manage to kick out these almost-ballads with touching lyrics and a catchy tune. Whenever I make a mix album for myself, this song is almost always on it.
Artist: L'arc~en~Ciel
Members: Hyde (vocals, guitar), Tetsu (background vocals, bass), Ken (guitar), Yukihiro (drums)
Album: Ark
Release date: 7/1/99
Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lacjaWbhi-U