I always seem to run out of things to say on Friday. So I have decided to start a new weekly feature. Favorite Friday. Every Friday I will post a video that I really like. It may be a music video; it may be a performance by an awesome band/artist; it may be something silly. Whatever I happen to come across that I like a lot. The first video I would like to post is a performance of Perfect Blue by L'arc~en~Ciel at their Grand Cross Conclusion concert in 1999. I absolutely love this song and I think is an awesome performance:
Music review: L'arc~en~Ciel - Perfect Blue
Artist: L'arc~en~Ciel
Members: Hyde (vocals, guitar), Tetsu (background vocals, bass), Ken (guitar), Yukihiro (drums)
Album: Ark
Release date: 7/1/99
Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lacjaWbhi-U