Title: L: Change the WorLd Release date: 2/9/08 Genre: Supernatural, Detective Cast: Matsuyama Kenichi, Fukuda Narushi, Fukuda Mayuko, Kudoh Youki Plot: During the final 23 days of his life, L takes the time to solve one more case. This one involves a bio-terrorist group intent on killing most of the Earth's population with a virus. What is good: Matsuyama is as good as ever! What is bad: Well...I fell asleep...that can't be a good thing, right? Letter rating: C Overall: I really wanted to like this sort-of sequel to Death Note. Like many others, L is one of my favorite characters. Unfortunately, this case seems to be a pretty big waste of his talents. The only reason L seems to be involved in this case is because people just randomly send things (and people) to him. As much as I wanted to watch the movie, I did fall asleep because it was so dull. L deserved a better ending than this.
JDorama review: Mr. Brain
Jdorama review: Ping Pong
Title: Ping Pong Release date: 7/20/02 Genre: Sports comedy Cast: Kubozuka Yosuke, Arata, Sam Lee, Nakamura Shido, Okura Koji, Takenaka Naoto, Natsuki Mari Plot: Peco (Kubozuka), a really good table tennis player, meets his match against a player from China (Lee), but there is another talented player Peco must face. Will he meet the challenge or give up his lifelong dream of being the world's best table tennis player? What is good: Kubozuka Yosuke once again pulls off an amazing character. What is bad: I can't think of anything that really detracts from the movie. Letter rating: A Overall: I really love Kubozuka's acting and his skills shine here. The rest of the cast supports him well, even though I did find myself giggling a little bit about all the drama that takes place around ping pong. This is definitely a movie that every jdorama lover should watch at least once.
JDorama review: Binbo Danshi
Jdorama review: Ace wo Nerae!
Title: Ace wo Nerae! Translation: Aim for the Ace! Broadcast dates: 1/15/04 - 3/11/04 Number of episodes: 9 Genre: Sports Cast: Ueto Aya, Yoshizawa Hisashi, Matsumoto Rio, Uchino Masaaki Plot: Hiromi Oka (Ueto) has decided to join the tennis team at her new high school. Despite being her first time playing, she has caught the eye of the new tennis coach. What is good: You get really caught up in the last half of the series. What is bad: The beginning is very slow and the outcome is rather predictable. Letter rating: B- Overall: I generally don't watch a lot of sports series. I'm just not a big sports fan. However, once we got through the "Hiromi sucks at tennis!" theme that looms over the first half of the series, I found myself excited for the next episode. Unfortunately, since the series is so short, it is filled with predictable outcomes. Even when something surprising happens, it gets 'fixed' so that you end up with what you knew would happen. As a whole, it's not an awful show. It would just be nice if it was a little longer so things could be shaken up once in awhile.
JDorama review: Kamikaze Girls
Title: Shimotsuma Monogatari Also known as: Kamikaze Girls Release date: 2004 Genre: Slice of life Cast: Fukada Kyoko, Anna Tsuchiya Plot: Momoko (Fukada) is a Lolita girl. Ichiko (Tsuchiya) is a delinquent. This is the story of their friendship. What is good: The cinematography is beautiful. What is bad: Tsuchicya's acting seems very forced and fake. Letter rating: C Overall: As a general rule, I'm excited to see live action Japanese movies get licensed in the United States. Unfortunately, for every Death Note, there's a Kamikaze Girls. The movie isn't completely awful. I did manage to get through it entirely. However, it is dragged out and dull. While you would like the characters to better themselves, you don't really care about them and, for the most part, you'd prefer if they just left each other alone for once. The ending is very sweet...it just seems to take forever to get there.
JDorama review: Mop Girl
Title: Mop Girl Broadcast dates: 10/12/07 - 12/14/07 Number of episodes: 10 Genre: Mystery Comedy Cast: Kitagawa Keiko, Tanihara Shosuke Plot: Momoko (Kitagawa) starts her new job at a small funeral services company. She soon finds that she has the ability to go back in time when she touches a precious object of someone who was wrongly killed. What is good: The interaction between the characters was pretty cute. What is bad: The ending felt unfinished. Letter rating: C+ Overall: I started watching this because Kitagawa played my favorite senshi, Sailor Mars, in the live action Sailor Moon series, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. She's not a fabulous actress but she is definitely getting better as time goes on. Unfortunately, the role of Momoko is dull. She's klutzy and beyond dumb. There are many times when she could have solved a problem on her own. Instead, she ran to Otomo (Tanihara). Then, at the end, when they show the surprise relationship between Momoko and Otomo, the story doesn't go anywhere with it. It actually gets ignored completely. On one hand, I'd like to have a special episode to tie everything up. On other hand, the story isn't really worthy of an extra episode.
JDorama review: Zettai Kareshi Special
Title: Zettai Kareshi Also Known As: Absolute Boyfriend Broadcast date: 3/24/09 Genre: Romantic comedy Cast: Hayami Mokomichi, Mizushima Hiro, Aibu Saki Plot: Shortly after Riiko (Aibu) and Soshi (Mizushima) get called back from Paris to open a new store, Riiko finds that Night has been resurrected by a new Kronos Heaven employee. Will Night destroy the couple's engagement? What is good: It's nice seeing these characters come to life again. What is bad: The story was completely unnecessary. Letter rating: B- Overall: When the series ended, I felt like I needed more closure to the story. This isn't what the audience needed. While it felt like Night's character had more to him, he was used throughout the entire special. It was wonderful seeing the characters on screen and interacting again. However, it's akin to taking that last extra bite of cake. Yeah, it was tasty but now you feel nauseous.
Jdorama review: Uta no Onii-san
Title: Uta no Onii-san Translation: The Singing Brother Broadcast date: 1/16/09 - 3/13/09 Genre: Comedy Cast: Ohno Satoshi, Chisa, Katase Nana, Maruyama Ryuhei, Kimura Yoshino Plot: After his life gets turned upside down, Yano Kenta (Ohno) finds himself working as a Singing Brother on a children's show. What is good: Everyone acted wonderfully What is bad: The children's show seemed pretty 'one-note.' We never got to see if they do more than just sing children's songs. Letter rating: B Overall: It was a really fun show. Even when you wanted to smack Yano on the head, he was still a lovable character. There's nothing really deep but, if you pay attention, you just might walk away with a life lesson learned.